Friday, September 4, 2020

Stitching Update and What Once Was True

At the beginning of this Labor Day weekend may I begin by wishing you a very "py Hallo."  Can you believe it is September? What happened to August? During these strange, troubled times it is as if we are all in a  trance while the days keep rolling by. Anyway, here is the cross stitch kit upon which I am currently working. I broke my very first rule of cross stitch: Only work on small pieces. This is not small. I still have four  more hats, a black cat, fancy boots, ghosts, and a few other things to add. What was I thinking??? If you saw my last post about my chairs, you could ascertain that I am a sucker for color, and this piece will be very colorful. I'm determined to have it finished by Halloween. (Though only time will tell whether that will be Halloween 2020 or 2021 ;-.) Actually, I have been stitching exclusively on this piece, so I think it is doable for this year. If you do not cross stitch, you would be amused, bemused, and amazed just how long it takes to cross stitch a section. For example, the back stitching (the single thread work) on the words "Skeleton" and "Witch Hats" plus the vine- like line took a few hours last night.

This small box of happiness arrived in the mail the other day. I purchased the wool, thread, and embellishments for Sue Spargo's next online instastitch project, Squash Squad. I loved working on her 90-Day Circle Sampler, and so I did not hesitate. I had used wool and for the most part threads from my stash for that previous project, but this time I ordered the materials.
Just look at what this box of goodness contained: colorful wool, threads, beads, and other fun items. It was to begin, I believe, on August 27th and run for nine weeks. The response was so overwhelming that they had to delay starting in order to procure enough materials and thread to supply the demand. (Thank goodness I had placed my order quickly.) I actually do not mind that it has been delayed since this will give me more time to work on my Happy Halloween cross stitch piece.

It has been a long time since I have recommended a book. It is not that I haven't been reading; I have been reading quite a bit, but nothing that was even worth mentioning until What Once Was True by Jean Grainger. It is a truly lovely story about a family in Ireland during WWII. The members of the Murphy family are characters that you will like. It is the first book in ages that has kept me reading until the wee hours of the morning. I finished it last night and was delighted to see that there are two more books in the series.  I would say that there are one or two improbable scenes at the end, but that did not keep me from immediately ordering the second book. You would definitely enjoy this read.

(Gee, wouldn't "What Once Was True" be a fitting title for a novel about the pandemic of 2020?)
Food for thought . . . 


Stay safe. Have hope. Be creative. Wear your mask. Be kind to yourself and to all you meet.


  1. Your Halloween cross stitch project is wonderful! That kit from Sue Spargo is luscious! The comic hit close to home. Keep stitching. . .you can do it!!!

  2. I would have loved that package arriving at my house and I don't even cross stitch! Have fun and enjoy every stitch. Stay safe.
