Sunday, May 12, 2024

This Week in My Garden 5/12/24

 These violets are in my lawn not my garden, but they are too sweet not to share. Speaking of lawns, on Thursday I headed to Seone’s Garden Center in Abington to purchase mulch and organic lawn fertilizer. Seone’s carries the Epsoma products that I like to use. At the entrance they had an incredible display of  hanging baskets; it was a Mother’s Day Sale: Buy two, get one free. 

Honestly, how could I resist? I came home with two purple and one red. I love them!

 Did I get the mulch and fertilizer? Nope, there wouldn’t have been room, so I’ll have to go back. (I can spread the lawn fertilizer, but I’m not allowed to do any gardening quite yet . . soon but not yet. When I am able, I’ll have the mulch ready to go. :-)

On Friday, I headed to Lowe’s to pick up some paint to try to freshen my pink, plastic, badly worn, Adirondack chairs. Did I also check out the garden center? Honestly, how could I resist?? They had smaller hanging pots on sale. I say this each year, but bypass the front and head straight for the clearance racks in the back. This beautiful fuchsia hanging plant was half priced.) Half priced,  how could I resist??? I also picked up two large, half priced pots of snapdragons which I then replanted in my whiskey barrels. I’ll show a photo of those in a future post.

I cannot wait to tackle my gardens, but it is still early. 

One last flower photo. . . I saw this wreath at Joanne’s last month but didn’t get it. When I went back next time, they were sold out. I kicked myself for not buying it when I had the chance. Well, Joanne’s online had a big sale, and I ordered one. Isn’t it pretty? 

Before I end this, let me tell you what happened this morning. After church, I was in my backyard with Emma when she suddenly started barking like crazy at something in the woods. To my horror, I saw a coyote!!!!! Emma was in a complete frenzy racing back and forth along the fence. It was extremely difficult to grab her and bring her inside. I have been accustomed to often just opening the porch door and letting her out especially when it is stormy. That will definitely have to change. 

That’s all for now. Have a wonderful week. 

Saturday, May 4, 2024

A New Sunday Stitch and Two Awesome Quilts

 I was finally able to bring my recently finished “This Is the Day” cross stitch piece to the framers the other day. While I normally do my own framing, I wanted this piece professionally done. So, here’s the start of my new Sunday stitch. It’s 324 by designer Arlene Cohen of Works by ABC. Yes, you stitch 162 five by five blocks and 162 motifs which are more involved for a total of 324! With fourteen already stitched, I have only 310 more to go!!!!!! For this piece you use 324 different shades of floss. The chart also includes an option to stitch the piece with just thirty-six colors, but heck, what would be the fun in that? :-)

On Wednesday night, I hosted friends for dinner, and Maribeth brought her show-and-tell.

Maribeth has never met a quilt with a zillion pieces that she has not wanted to stitch. Are you ready to see her second quilt? It’s a massive masterpiece from the pattern “Stitch a licious.” Ta dah!!!!!!!!!!!

Please do click on the photos to see the details.

In my last post I asked what people were reading, and Terry @ On Going Projects recommended 

Now, truth to say, I was hesitant to pick up this book since all I ever knew about diving I learned watching Lloyd Bridges in Sea Hunt with my brother. Back in the day, families only had one TV, so we took turns picking out what we would watch; Sea Hunt was not my choice. Shadow Divers deals with deep wreck divers. Robert Kurson is an excellent author, and I was quickly drawn into this adventure. I was eager to start Doris Kearns Goodwin’s new book, but truthfully, I could not put Shadow Divers down. 

What else have I been working on? I have a spring-themed wool applique piece all prepped and ready to stitch, but first I am repairing a vintage quilt which I will talk more about in a future post.

Have a wonderful week. :-)