Monday, May 27, 2024

Sunday Stitch Back from the Framers

Last week I picked up “This Is the Day” which had been my Sunday cross stitch piece for the last two years. I seldom take my pieces to be professionally framed, but I wanted this piece by designer Paulette Stewart of Plum Street Samplers to be protected with conservation glass. It’s always difficult to select a frame, but I think that it turned out great. 

You might be wondering how I’m doing on my current Sunday stitch, “324” by designer Arlene Cohen of Works by ABC. Well, I have stitched fifty-two motifs and squares so far with only 270 more to go!!!  While I do stitch on it on Sundays, I also work on it sometimes during the week. I was getting a bit tired just working in purples, reds, and pinks so I’ve worked my way over toward the blues and greens. It’s an enjoyable stitch. 

In case you are new to my blog, 324 refers to the number of colors in the piece: half are designs and the other half are blocks. Joanns had a sale on DMC on Thursday and Friday, so I purchased a number of skeins that I needed. By the time this piece is completed, I will have a very large stash of floss. :-) Fortunately, floss is fairly inexpensive.

In my previous post, I showed the poppies which grow under my deck. These blooms are super fragile, and they didn’t even last twenty-four hours. I turned around yesterday morning just in time to capture Miss Emma framed by the remaining blooms. The rain and wind had reduced them to orange confetti decorating the grass.

The irises are, however, putting on quite a display. 

One last photo of Miss Em in position beside me as we admire how pretty everything looks in my yard this spring. Though I have put together hanging pots and planters, I cannot wait to tackle my gardens!!! 

Happy gardening and have a fun, creative week.

1 comment:

  1. Those orange poppies were the perfect frame for Emma! Our iris have bloomed. . .a little early this year; but, we enjoyed them while they were here!--TerryK@OnGoingProjects
