Sunday, July 19, 2020

We're Having a Heat Wave


We're having a heat wave, a tropical heat wave . . . Ninety percent of the country is sweltering with 90+ temps. Whew!!!

How was your week? Overall, mine was fairly fine.  On Monday, my doctor told me that I was no longer grounded as my foot was healing. I'm not allowed to take Emma for walks yet, but I would not be doing so in this heat anyway. She is fortunate to have a large backyard to dash around in chasing squirrels though I have been taking her out on a leash during these extremely hot days.

I was happy to finally be able to get out and photograph my daylilies. On Thursday, it meant that I also could keep my appointment for a haircut. How lucky I thought that I was to find a parking space on the street right in front of the salon. Out I came twenty minutes later looking really spiffy until I saw that someone has sideswiped my parked car. The glass in the driver's mirror was shattered but the housing was in tact. There were scrapes and dents over the rear wheel. Grrrrrr!!! Did the person who did it leave an apology note and contact information? No, of course, not! Whatever happened to taking personal responsibility for one's actions??? My car goes into the shop tomorrow, and I'm stuck paying the $500. deductible. Oh well, so it goes . . .

Speaking of personal responsibility . . .  What is up with those dolts who refuse to wear masks??? Also, what's up with all those you see wearing masks under their noses? Really, people, please let's get with the program!!! I know my blog readers are all responsible people, but I just had to throw that out there into the universe.

I wanted to note the passing of a very good man, Civil Rights icon Rep. John Lewis.  Please take a moment to read Heather Cox Richardson's tribute to this Civil Rights icon here.  

Let me take a moment also to address the idea of sending children back to school. First, let me say that I am grateful to be retired and not facing the daunting decision of whether or not to return to the classroom. We all understand and appreciate that children do learn best in schools. But at what cost will that happen? It's already predicted that twenty-five percent of our teachers due to age or health related issues will not be able to return in the fall. It's not only the children but also the teachers and staff that we have to consider. In my years as a middle school teacher, my classes would have an average of twenty-five to thirty eighth graders. How do you social distance with classes such as that? While it may be true that children are not experiencing covid at the same rate as adults, how do we prevent them bringing it home to parents, grandparents, and other vulnerable family members? Here's my suggestion.  First Lady Melania and her husband should take their son out of his exclusive, elite, private high school and enroll him in a crowded, public D.C. school near the White House. Perhaps then parents across the country might feel some confidence about sending their children back to school. Just a thought . . .

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Pandemic Statistics:
                     World                        United States               Massachusetts

Cases:     14, 311,886                    3,781,985                          113, 238

Deaths:     602, 757                      142,229                                8,419

Stay cool. Stay safe. Stay strong. Have hope. God Bless us all.


  1. So sorry about your car, people don't care anymore do they? They just plow into your car without a worry or don't wear a mask because of their ridiculous rights. John Lewis was an amazing man and will be greatly missed. School is going on here and we have three options for our kids, none of which a working Mom like me find to be good for their child. This stinks. Stay safe.

  2. That was awful news about your car and sad that people don't take responsibility for their actions. I'm so in agreement with you about masks and school. Working parents will be stretched past their limits if they are the ones "teaching." Yet, I don't want my daughter who is a special ed teacher interacting with all the "petrie dishes" either. By the way, child care is going to be an issue too. . .she and her husband don't want to expose us who are "old" to whatever they've been exposed to either. Your flowers are beautiful and so glad that your foot is healing to the point you can walk a bit!!
