Tuesday, July 14, 2020

Help!!! I've Fallen Down the Cross Stitch Rabbit Hole!!!

It's true. It happened. In my blog post dated March 26, 2020, just as the world was starting to turn  upside down, I wrote that I was 99.9999999 percent sure that I would not fall down the cross stitch rabbit hole. Oh, sure, I have done cross stitch before. . . most recently in a "Let's Bake " quilt designed by Lori Holt, but nothing since then. Heaven knows I have enough other hand stitching projects to keep me busy: the Sue Spargo BOM Lite, the Sue Spargo 90-Day Circle Sampler, a Yoko Saito applique quilt that has been in timeout, and a Sashiko kit that I bought the last time I went to the Vermont Quilt Festival two or three years ago. See what I mean? I had no business taking up cross stitch, but it happened anyway.

It all started with Anna Bates who has never even met me. For years I have followed her blog, Woolie Mammoth and her Youtube channel "Quilt Roadies. "Anna has a lively, fun, happy personality. She blogs about her quilting, wool applique, life, etc. When not in quarantine times, "Quilt Roadies" on Youtube documents some of her travels with her husband G. She also films projects that she is working on in the Beehive, her quilt studio. Then she started a new Youtube channel, "Stitch Roadies" to discuss her cross stitching. At first, I watched because as I said she is a positive, upbeat person, and don't we need people like that during these troubled times. Well, bit by bit by bit, I got drawn in . . . and before I could stop myself, I had ordered this sweet little sunflower cross stitch kit. (It's a Dimension kit from Joann's, and it came with the pattern, thread, fabric, and needles.)

When I had my FO (Finished Object) I watched floss tube videos on Youtube for suggestions on how to make it a FFO (Fully Finished Object.) Since I have not been going to stores, I used what I had on hand: black and white check gingham, batting, a little metal barn piece, a scrap of lace, buttons, and Aleene's Tacky glue. (Those who know me know that I have never met a button old or new that I didn't like and that goes for scraps of lace and trim, too!!! )

So, things would have been fine at this point if I hadn't started watching more Floss Tube. What's Floss Tube you ask? Well, it's a whole community of lovely people who post videos of their cross stitching on Youtube. The format of each video regardless of the presenter or presenters basically follows the same format. A few minutes of chit chat, then a look at WIPS (works in progress), Haul (what they have recently purchased in the way of patterns/charts, cross stitch fabric, threads, and kits), then it is on to FOs and FFOs. Now, the bad part of these floss tube videos is that you often see something that you would like to do or to order.

I have had to set strict rules for myself regarding purchases. The most important is I can only work on small pieces. The walls of my castle are filled with my quilted wall hangings and my photography, and there is no room for anything but small cross stitch pieces. That's fine with me. :-)
Has this discouraged me from ordering patterns, etc? Nope! I have enough to keep me busy for quite some time. In my defense, not that I need any, anything that makes us happy or keeps us busy or makes us smile during these dark, desperate times is more than okay with me.

If you are brave enough, you might like to check out the following floss tubers on Youtube:

             Stitch Roadies with Anna Bates
             Brenda and the Serial Starter (They stitch traditional samplers which would not appeal to, me,      but I do get a kick out of these ladies.)
             Country Stitchers
             The Real Housewives of Cross Stitch
             Barbara's Daughter.

I find cross stitching to be very calming and meditative, but be forewarned as you, too, might find yourself tumbling down the cross stitch rabbit hole.

Stay safe. Stay strong. Have hope.


  1. I have some cross stitch kits from my friend Martha's sewing room that she didn't get to before she died. I get that the stitching is meditative. I need to make the kits more a priority in my goals though so I finish them! I chuckled over your strict rules and not going down that rabbit hole comments. It is all GREAT! Anna Bates is a positive force. Enjoy stitching. We all should be having fun wherever we can find it!

  2. I think it is great to fall down the rabbit hole especially during these trying times. It gives you something to be excited about. Good luck and stay safe.
