Sunday, February 20, 2022

BIG Hearted Tiny Town FFO !!!

 This morning I fully finished “BIG Hearted Tiny Town,” a cross stitch pattern from Cecilia Turner of Heart in Hand Needleart. I was watching Pam of the flosstube channel “Stitching in the Land of Good Enough” on Youtube when she showed this chart that she had just gotten into her shop. (In November, she opened a brick and mortar shop, Stitch New England, in North Attleboro, MA, and an online shop.) As soon as her flosstube ended, out came my credit card. ;-) I have stitched on this piece each night since I received the chart. For non-cross stitchers, let me say that although it looks small, it took me nearly two weeks of steady evening stitching to complete it; I could barely get one small house done in an evening let alone the fencing. Having said that, I love, love, love how it turned out!!! It is a super popular pattern, and it seems like everyone on flosstube is stitching it, too. 

The plain, raw wood sign came from Hobby Lobby and cost $5.99. It came with both vertical and horizontal hanging teeth. This piece was stitched on 14 count aida, so the piece just fit. If I ever stitch another tiny town, I will use 16 count aida so the border would be slightly bigger. (Though the number 16 is higher, the size would be slightly smaller.)

Isn’t the two-colored pink background fabric perfect for this piece?  I shake my head sometimes when I think about how much fabric I have in my stash, but on the upside, I am always able to find something to use. (I recently passed on about fifteen yards of fabric that I knew that I would never use. Quilters are smiling because they realize that fifteen yards would probably be only a tiny drop in the bucket, but if I don’t purchase any new fabric, my stash will eventually, noticeably start diminishing, won’t it???   :-)

Below the mantle, you will see a fabric heart that I made a few years back from a free tutorial offered by Julie Cefalu of The Crafty Quilter. If interested, search for her “Quilted Heart” tutorial at her site and while there be sure to sign up to receive notices for her  blog as she offers interesting tips, tutorials, and quilting news. 

I made another heart this year to add to my bowl.

Well, it’s starting to get cool out here on my sunporch, so I will bring this to a close. Though it is in the twenties outside, with the bright sun shining in this afternoon, it has been about sixty-five degrees for the past few hours.  This sunporch addition is twenty years old, and I tell you, it is the best money I ever spent.

Have a wonderful week. Stay safe; don’t let your guard down. Spring is right around the corner.

P.S. Here’s proof, and I saw my first robin of the season last week.


  1. your cross stitch looks lovely x My mum was the cross stitcher in our family ... she would have loved your little houses too x

    1. Thank you, Diane. If you are ever tempted to take up cross stitching, be forewarned it is highly addictive, but fun and relaxing. :-)
