Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Improvisational Piecing Workshop

On Saturday, I attended an improvisational piecing workshop at the Quilters Connection Guild which meets in Waltham.  The instructor was Marge Tucker seen here with her piece, "Hay Bales." All of the participants had a wonderful time. I spent most of Sunday continuing to work on my piece and stayed up very, very late finishing the top which now just needs to be quilted. I hope to post a photo of the completed piece soon, but in the meantime here's a peak at the palette of colors that I used. As you can see, I love the shades of denim blue.

If you are interested, Marge will be teaching a three-day workshop at the Hudson River Valley Art Workshops in New York in March. For more information, click here . To learn about classes that she offers or to see more of her work, visit Marge Tucker Quilt Design.

1 comment:

  1. it is great to step away from our usual style and try something new .. and be inspired enough to stay up to work on it ... because you JUST HAVE TO xx
