Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Ponyhenge - Whimsy, Joy, and Pure Delight

In a field along #39 Old Sudbury Road in Lincoln, MA, there is a magical gathering of rocking horses. After attending the two quilt shows last Thursday, my friends and I headed to a spot that I had never seen in person . . . Ponyhenge!!!

There were about forty, colorful horses of all types, materials, and sizes arranged in three circles.

The inner circle consisted of small horses while larger horses galloped around the outer edges.

No one knows who discarded the first horse or who else has left horses; it doesn't matter . . . it is simply wonderful. The horses are right along the road, and there is a spot to pull off the road safely to take photos.

There was a slight breeze, so a few of the horses even appeared to be rocking in the beautiful, autumn sunshine. 

In these troubled times, it is good to capture moments of wonder and delight. You can be sure that I will come back to visit this spot again.

My GPS sent me home through downtown Boston. Why? Who knows, but the last time I disregarded my GPS directions while heading toward Boston, I got stuck in a massive traffic jam. So, I followed its directions, and I was able to grab this shot while waiting at a traffic light. Boston is truly a beautiful city.


  1. I have never heard of Ponyhenge, but it really does make you smile.

  2. Ponyhenge is so fun. Do the horses live there during all seasons and weather? I wonder how long they will survive the cold winters? So cool though!
