Friday, October 7, 2016

Exploring Ireland - Day 3 - Slieve League Cliffs

One of the most impressive places we visited on our tour was the Slieve League Cliffs. The winding road is too narrow for busses, so our group divided into two . . . photographers and non-photographers. The other van made it up to the cliffs in no time at all while our group took a bit longer. We had the most obliging, wonderful driver who stopped so we could take photos along the way.

Have I mentioned that Ireland has a lot of sheep? Not your average sheep, you see, but perfectly lovely sheep who were willing to smile and pose for our cameras. ( Dominic, our regular tour guide/ bus driver, thought we were all a bit crazy and would soon be sick of seeing sheep; he was wrong, we never were. :-)

Look at the water troughs that they had for the sheep.

This formation is referred to as the giant's desk and chair.

Some members of our group climbed this path to the top, but as I was nursing a foot injury incurred before the trip, I stayed put on level ground.


After coming back down from this incredible place, we were treated to fresh baked scones and coffee. If you are traveling to Ireland, be sure the Slieve League Cliffs are on your itinerary.

We also made a photo stop at Glengesh Pass.

Our final stop was at  . . .

. . . so when it gets cooler and you see me sporting a beautiful new cape, you'll know where it came from. :-)


  1. That watering trough was a great recycle! When we had animals, we had a pink bathtub as the watering hole! Although, ours didn't have the faucets!
    What a special trip you had! Thanks for sharing. Terry
