Thursday, December 17, 2015

"Holidaze" Happenings

Isn't my new Christmas tree awesome? My neighbors gave it to me for Christmas. The husband enjoys woodworking and has been busy crafting these trees from pallets and lights. It's surprising how many tutorials and variations there are online for this project.

On Tuesday, I went to lunch with friends at a new restaurant in Pembroke, and last night I went with other friends to a restaurant in Norwell.  The highlight of the week, however, was the St. Jude Christmas show in Waltham yesterday. The music director and classroom teachers do an amazing job preparing the students. I loved the singing, choreography, and the costumes! Let me just say, there is nothing more precious than a class of four year olds in Christmas pajamas singing "Jingle Bells" unless it is a class of kindergarteners singing "When Santa Gets Your Letter." There were also angels, elves, reindeers, choir members and Irish step dancers. . . Interestingly, the fourth grade step dancers performed to "Christmas in Killarney" which I remember was the song I sang as a fourth grader a million years ago in a Christmas show at Sacred Heart School in Weymouth. :-) I've always loved this song. If you are not familiar with it, click here to hear a spirited version.

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