Saturday, August 25, 2012

Pretty Puppy Pose

    It's difficult sometimes to get a good photo of my little energizer bunny, but this afternoon I was able to grab this pretty puppy pose with my iPhone. Emma will be eight months old at the end of this month. You have to admit that she's pretty darn cute. Don't you just love her eyebrows!
     Soon afterwards, it was time to head to our fifth session of intermediate puppy school, and she did quite well. The best part of the lesson was learning how to have the puppy wait at the door, so you can exit first. Sometimes Little Miss Emma has been known to bolt out the door. The yard is all fenced in, and there are all those pesky squirrels to chase and bugs to find, so she's always in a hurry. At the class, the puppy had to sit and a "wait" hand signal was given; then after the owner stepped out the door, the puppy was allowed to follow on command. Emma seemed to pick that up fairly easily at class, but the real test would come when we returned home. Well, it worked at home, too! It's  definitely a very important lesson to keep practicing. Training a puppy sure does take a lot of effort, patience, and practice, but it is all worthy it.


  1. she has grown into a lovelly little dog ... and a good one to x well done to both of you x

  2. Emma certainly is a cutie, it looks like you've trained her well to pose for a picture too. I still can't get my 14 year old Silky Terrier to look at me when I try to take his picture.
