Thursday, December 13, 2018

A Wonderful Surprise

Quilters are the very nicest people in the world, and there are no nicer quilters than the members of the Crosstown Quilters Guild that meet in Weymouth. We had our holiday meeting/luncheon on Tuesday, and I was determined to attend to thank everyone for all of their cards and for the support that I have been shown.

We were having an abbreviated business meeting before the festivities began. The minutes were read, birthdays were announced, and a few other matters were brought up before I asked if anyone else had something to say or share with the group. That's when Maureen, a former guild president, came to the front of the room carrying a bag. Inside was a gorgeous quilt for me!!!!!!!!

Members had contributed floral fabric squares and signed messages of hope, friendship, and inspiration were written on each of the light squares. I had only missed a couple of meetings, so I don't know how they managed to get this created so quickly.

In case you can't read the message on this block, it reads . . . Crosstown, 2018, Quilters, Positive, Hope, Happiness, Friends, and Survivor.  (Survivor . . . isn't that a lovely word . . . )

No words can express how I feel about this beautiful, heartfelt gift. I have read and reread all of the messages.  I am truly blessed to belong to this group of caring, creative, fun, friendly, warm, and generous women.

I thought that I would also show you this photo of Marilyn, one of our most prolific members. The block of the month for December was a mitten. Marilyn not only made one block, she made a whole quilt using the pattern!!! Actually, none of us were surprised since she does that every year. :-)

May all of you be wrapped in the warmth, joy, love, and comfort of family and friends this blessed holiday season.


  1. Awe. . .what a wonderful and heartfelt surprise! You get to wrap all those messages around yourself and yes, survivor is a great word!

  2. What a wonderful group! And a wonderful surprise!

    1. I am truly blessed to have so many caring people in my life.

  3. I have some tears in my eyes over this lovely present and the kindness your friends have shown. You deserve it.

  4. It is truly lovely and the messages warm my heart.

  5. I love this Janice!!! You really are blessed to have such a wonderful group of friends. How wonderful is this beautiful quilt!?
