Thursday, April 26, 2012

She May Just Have Been Plotting

     Just look at this sweet face. Do you remember my posts at the beginning of April about my little escape artist? I had to purchase a different gate to keep her in the kitchen. Things had worked perfectly up  until this afternoon. You would have thought that the other gate which is held in place by my upright piano on one side and a heavy armchair on the other side would surely be able to hold her. You would be wrong.
     I went to lunch today with a group of my retired teacher friends. When I returned home, Emma and I went for a walk. She has a new harness which is working very well. Anyway, after the walk I decided to spend some time on my Italian homework. Emma was in the kitchen happily playing with her toys, and I was in the dining room. Suddenly I thought I heard the sound of her dog tags rattling coming from the living room. Impossible. When I went to investigate, there she was in the living room looking up at me. She had managed to wiggle through a space behind the chair that trust me was only a few inches wide. Okay, no problem, I went downstairs and got a two by four which I wedged behind the piano and the chair to fill this gap, and went back to my studies. A few minutes later, the same thing happened. Houdini had nothing on her. Now I have a wooden step stool blocking the other side of the gate where she was making her entrance. So far, so good. Will it hold her? Only time will tell.

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