Thursday, August 3, 2017

What Every Princess Needs . . .

Besides her castle, a princess needs a rich wardrobe of colorful dresses and shoes.

All of the shoes feature sparkly fabric; the blue ones are my favorite. :-)

A princess must have a wand . . .

a bejeweled crown . . .
and a fine coach.

I finished these and a few other blocks earlier this week, and tonight stitched the princess quilt top together. My goal is to layer and quilt it this weekend.  After it is quilted, I will add a few more  embellishments. (All of the blocks have the same bright white background which appears darker in these photos than it really is.)

Speaking of princesses, my cousin and her girls came yesterday for "Ladies Lunch." The adults decided that lunch would be at Tony's Clam Shop on Wollaston Beach where we enjoyed delicious lobster rolls while the girls had hot dogs! The eight year old kept asking if we could do a craft project as we usually do, but I hadn't prepared anything this time. Finally, we decided to making pillowcases. Miss L , age eleven, quickly selected some turquoise fabric with tiny flowers from my stash. Miss T, age eight, took a bit more time looking to find just the right fabric. In the end, she chose some watermelon fabric which I think I had originally purchased to make some placemats. I did the rotary cutting, but the girls did the pinning and a bit of the machine stitching. Eventually, they decided to have me finish the pillowcases which I did. Sweet dreams guaranteed . . .

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