What have I been doing when I haven't been shoveling? Well, yesterday I finished the covers to complete my cigarette silk actress book. Take a look inside. . .
Please click on any photo to see a clearer, larger view. I truly loved working on this project. It began back in the fall when I took a class on making a crazy quilt book taught by Jerrianne Ouellette at Emma's Quilt Cupboard in Franklin. My focus was a bit different as I wanted to showcase my cigarette silk actresses, but it was easy to adapt what I learned for this project. If you haven't tried crazy quilting, let me warn you . . . it is wonderful fun but highly addictive. Yarns, floss, buttons, beads, lace, and charms, etc . . oh, my!
Snow update: For those not from this area, let me tell you that we are in the midst of out third major snowstorm of the last sixteen days. It began late on Saturday and will continue through Tuesday morning. Even more special, my area will win the snow jackpot; a jackpot no one wishes to win. We had around thirty inches to begin with and this storm when it ends will have dropped another twenty-five to thirty inches. I live here and even I can't believe it. Here are some photos I just took to give you an idea of what it is like. They are similar to previously posted photos so you can see how much more snow we have received. Side yard . . . four foot chain link fence completely covered.
Back yard fence nearly buried.
Sunporch view . . .
We've been told by the experts that we should try to remove the snow from our roofs. My garage roof has about five feet of snow, and I have a snow rake but it is impossible to get near enough from the backyard. I'm thinking that maybe I should get some snowshoes so I can traverse the deep snow, but that's for another day.
Think warm thoughts as they are predicting more snow on Thursday night. Thirty-eight days until spring . . .
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