Friday, February 14, 2025

Happy Valentine’s Day 2025


I have said repeatedly that my goal this year is to stitch strictly from stash. Unfortunately, it is not working out according to plan. I have not purchased any yardage so far, but I’m weak and when I see cute wool applique pieces such as this, I’m sunk.  “Love Birds” was a pillow kit from My Red Door Designs. Honestly, how could I resist. . . wool applique, heart shaped doily, and pretty buttons??? I love how it turned out, and I finished it today on Valentine’s Day.

After Christmas, I usually purchase a few amaryllis bulbs on sale and plant up a bulb every couple of weeks. This one was very, very slow to start, but today on Valentine’s Day one bloom opened with more to come.

In my cellar, I have my Aunt Mildred’s music cabinet filled with vintage, and I do mean vintage, sheet music. Since this is a day for romance, I thought I would share one of my favorite pieces.

Gee, they just don’t write romantic ballads like this anymore. This catchy ditty was by composer Ray Henderson. Aren’t the graphics wonderful! I had plans at one point to feature some of these fun sheet music covers in a crazy quilt piece; for now that project is on the back burner. 

While I’m mentioning crazy quilting, I might as well confess that I also purchased a crazy hearts wall hanging kit. Shabby Fabrics will be my undoing as they always have wonderful quilting and wool projects. Since I have so little self control, I considered unsubscribing from their emails, but I didn’t. After all, it never hurts to look. :-)

1 comment:

  1. Love your finished Valentine's Day pillow. Those birds are super cute!!! I too loved the graphics on the sheet music. As for self control with purchasing. . .Shabby Fabrics is such a wonderful place for all sorts of eye candy. . .I know exactly what you are saying and feeling!!!--TerryK@OnGoingProjects
