Well, it is finally done!!! I had received a gift of fat quarters used in this quilt from friends way back in 2007!!! They had gone on a quilt shop hop, but I was not able to accompany them as at that time I was undergoing chemo treatments during my first adventure with breast cancer. Perhaps I had associated the fabric with that challenging period, but in any event, I never did anything with the fat quarter bundle. Maybe seven or eight years ago, I start making these blocks. There was no pattern. I simply had fun slashing and inserting strips. When the blocks were completed, they again sat there for a few more years. Finally, I decided to put them together, and I am glad that I did. Sixteen years . . . it makes me wonder, dear readers . . . what is your oldest work in progress???
The sad thing is I have a number of quilts that need to be completed. I’d like to say that I will finish one every month, but even I don’t believe that will happen. I do know that no fabric, cross stitch, or wool will enter this house until I make a significant dent in what I already have. True confession: I recently ordered two wool applique patterns and more than a few cross stitch patterns, but honestly, that’s it!!! Really and truly. . .
You are looking at the last two sections of my wool applique table runner project. I’m not sure why, but the chicken wagon and barn each seemed to take a long time to stitch. This weekend I will work on adding the backing.

Since my last post, I did attend an Amy Grant concert at Plymouth Memorial Hall, and she was absolute lovely. The only down spot came near the end of the concert when the woman in front of me decided to stand up. Mind you, she had had a perfectly clear view of the stage, but once she popped up, my view was completely blocked. Now, if you know me, you know I am a pretty mild person, but I found myself getting more and more aggravated. I wanted to ask her politely to please sit down, but I could not bring myself to do so as she appeared to be in seventh heaven, having the time of her life. Concert etiquette seems to be getting worse and worse. With the price of tickets these days, you would at least like to be able to see the performer. How would you have handled this situation?
Well, that’s all for now as I will be heading out shortly to attend a play at my youngest cousin’s school. It is his first time acting. Gee, I sure hope nobody blocks my view tonight!