Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Black and White Weather

     Yesterday was a black and white weather day. Shortly after nine the snow began gently falling turning the world black and white. After meeting friends for Italian conversation practice, I drove through Hingham to take a quick photo of this little bridge near the playing fields. 

     The snow stopped by 8:00 pm after leaving just a few inches. Now, less anyone be disappointed, Mother Nature has promised to bring us an additional six to ten inches tomorrow with the possibility of another storm on Sunday. And snow it goes. . . . . . . 

      Emma and I were up earlier than usual this morning and this was the scene that greeted us from my deck. The snow covered limbs were bathed in a warm golden glow which this photo doesn't quite fully convey. Perhaps I should get up early more often? Naw, after years of getting up early, I think waking at 7:30 or so is just about perfect. :-)

Afternoon Edition: May I just add that there is nothing more delightful than my sunporch on a bright and sunny day in the middle of a long, cold snowy winter. The porch has large glass windows which let in a lot of bright light. This morning I did my errands, went food shopping, and threw in some laundry. After lunch as I was letting Emma out for a quick run about the yard, I noticed that the thermometer on the porch was reading 60 degrees. Time to invoke the "Sunporch Rule!" What's that you inquire? Well, when the porch is that temperature in the midst of the weather we have been having, I grant myself permission to abandon all my chores, grab a good book,  fix a mocha iced coffee, snuggle up and read. It really couldn't possibly get any better than this!!!

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