Thursday, October 10, 2024

Fall Tier by Erin Elizabeth Designs


I did a presentation at the Crosstown Quilters Guild on Tuesday. I told my fellow quilters that my goal was clear . . . I wanted to get a few of my fellow members to fall down the cross stitch and/or wool applique rabbit hole right along with me. ;-) Since I am still in my big, awkward boot, gathering pieces to bring with me was a challenge, but I believe I had more than enough samples. 

I did not have “Fall Tier” finished to bring, but I completed it yesterday. It is so cute!!!  I can say that as I was not the designer, just someone who enjoys stitching designs by Erin Elizabeth. Erin Wasilieff is a Canadian designer whose patterns/charts are whimsical and fun. I particularly enjoy her “tier” designs and  have two others already in my stash. Click on the photo to get a larger image and also do click on the link to visit her shop. Whether you cross stitch or not, her wonderful designs will put a smile on your face. 

This wood display piece is from Paisleys and Polka Dots. They offer DIY wood craft kits for home decorating and seasonal displays. As I have mentioned previously, the wood pieces are cut and you must paint and glue them together. There are two magnets glued to the main section, and I will place washers on the back of the cross stitch piece. (At present, it is simply leaning against the display as I didn’t want to risk hobbling down cellar in my big boot tonight to hot glue on the washers :-). That can wait until tomorrow. 

Last month I posted a beach cottage scene on this tiered display. The fun part is finding items to put on the sides of the piece. These two small wood pieces are also from Paisleys and Polka Dots. 

Over the weekend Emma and I stayed at ‘her home away from home,’ so Bailey’s folks could go to their son’s wedding. I brought cross stitching and a few books and the three of us had a lovely time.

One funny note, I gave such an enthusiastic presentation on Tuesday that I have already ordered a piece of wool for a new wool applique piece and a pattern for a big wool project. So much for stitching from stash; I’m absolutely incorrigible!!!  Gee, I wonder if I inspired anyone at the meeting? Time will tell. ;-)

Wednesday, October 2, 2024

Another FFO - Pumpkin Blossom Place


I have never signed up for a monthly cross stitch project before, but I couldn’t resist “Blooming Roots” by Stitching with the Housewives through the Fat Quarter Shop. Here is “Pumpkin Blossom Place” for October, the first in the series.  Each month will feature a home and a separate street sign. The chart comes along with Classic Colorworks floss. The orange and yellow background fabric came from my stash. I love how this turned out. :-)

Each month will be displayed on this wood piece purchased from Paisleys and Polka Dots. As I have noted previously, all the multiple pieces arrive unfinished. You must paint the individual  pieces and then glue them all together. Magnets are then hot glued to the display piece and washers to the back of the stitched pieces so it can be switched out each month.

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It’s October, Breast Cancer Awareness Month, so it’s time for me to climb up on my soapbox to remind you to get your mammogram. No excuses accepted. Early detection saves lives. 

Monday, September 30, 2024

Goldfinches and Poppies


Just popping in on this glorious fall day to show you my finally finished wool applique piece, “Goldfinches and Poppies.” This pattern is from Crane Design. Their wool appliques patterns are always wonderful. The wool came from my stash with the exception of the luscious tonal blue wool which I found at The Quilted Crow in Bolton. It is a delightful quilt shop with a section devoted to wool applique. They have samples hanging up and shelves with pieces of wool. It is a feast for the eye, but perhaps a bit dangerous for the wallet :-) You can buy patterns and select your own pieces of wool or purchase kits. It is truly a wonderful quilt shop and definitely worth a visit. (If you are not from this area, you may visit them online.)

The display hanger is from Ackfeld Manufacturing . Check out their website for craft and quilt display  holders. You won’t believe the assortment available. You are sure to find the right accent holder for whatever piece on which you are working.

Today I’m going to finish two cross stitch pieces which I will show next time. My dining room table is covered with bits and pieces of various projects, and I am determined to get it cleared. Wish me luck!

Wednesday, September 25, 2024

Happy Fall Y’all!

This little scarecrow was a previous finish, but I hadn’t been happy with how I had originally finished it. I took it apart, added a washer to the back, and added it to this mug display. (There’s a magnet on the wooden piece. ) You may remember seeing some of my other pieces displayed on the mug. 

The display piece came from Paisleys and Polka Dots, and these three designs are all from Stitching with the Housewives on Etsy. Eventually I hope to be able to stitch a small piece for each month.

I’m still rolling along, but the doctor thinks I may be able to ditch my big, grey boot in a month. Fingers crossed . . . Anyway, I wasn’t able to attend the Herring Run Quilt Guild show over the weekend, but imagine my surprise to learn that my wool applique Americana tablerunner had received a Viewers Choice second place ribbon. Please click the guild link to see all the winners from this fabulous show.

This has been a good week. Yesterday I attended a meeting of the Crosstown Quilters Guild. This guild meets twice a month, and these meetings are always fun. Today I went to lunch with friends and as always that was fun, too! Tomorrow is going to be another rainy day, but that’s okay as I have a few projects to work on including fully finishing two cross stitch pieces and stitching on a wool applique piece. I’m doing a small presentation on cross stitch and wool applique at the next Crosstown Guild meeting, and I’m hoping to get some others to fall down those rabbit holes along with me :-). So, I’d really like to get this latest piece done. 

Keep stitching, quilting, and creating!

Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Latest Quilt Finish

 I am pleased beyond words that I have finished this quilt in time for the Herring Run Quilt Guild’s upcoming show. This top was strictly from stash, and it did make a dent in my batik leftovers. My original intention had been to make this a donation quilt, but truly, the colors are so calming that I decided to keep this quilt for myself. There are still enough batik scraps, and I am in the midst of creating a second quilt which I will donate. Besides this quilt, I will have another quilt and my wool applique Americana Tablerunner in the show. This quilt was back from the long armer two weeks ago, but it took awhile to sew on the binding and add hanging sleeves to two of the quilts. Whew! Finally they are ready. 

I also finished the first month of the Stitching with the Housewives Blooming Roots cross stitch project. The two pieces took longer to stitch than I had expected, and I still have a bit of painting to do on the display piece, but I will show it in my next post. 

Hope you are enjoying this lovely fall weather. 

Tuesday, September 3, 2024

“You Are My Sunshine” - Cross Stitch Finish


As summer is drawing to a close, I finally finished stitching “You Are My Sunshine” by It’s So Emma from the Fat Quarter Shop. I stitched it according to the chart but left off the words, “You Are My Sunshine.” The wooden display piece, flip flops, sunshine, and palm tree are from Paisley and Polka Dots. The kit has many, many unfinished, individual wood pieces. You paint them and then carefully assemble them with glue. If you want, you can glue magnets to the display and glue washers to the back of the piece as I did making the display something you may use with other pieces. Overall, I love how it turned out. 

I am currently working on another display for a twelve month stitching project. How did that happen? I’ve always avoided projects such as this, but this one drew me in. It’s “Blooming Roots” by Stitching with the Housewives. Each month you will receive a pattern and floss to stitch two pieces. I’m working on the stitching and have already finished preparing the display piece. Fingers crossed that I will be able to keep up. :-) To add to this, I also signed up for a ten month stitching journal project. Lord help me! I blame it all on my ruptured Achilles tendon! Sitting around with way too much time on my hands has been dangerous, but both projects should be fun.

Have a wonderful, creative week. 

Friday, August 30, 2024

Still Rolling Along . . .

 Hi Folks! It’s been three weeks since my last post, so I thought that I would pop in this morning to let you know that I am still rolling along. My Achilles tendon is healing, but I expect to be in my boot and using my rollator for two or three more months. I am SUPER lucky and blessed to have wonderful friends and neighbors who have been helping me out. There is no pain but not being able to drive is simply driving me nuts. :-)

Anyway, last week I rolled out to my backyard and was able to take this pretty photo. The bees just love the sedum along the front of my large garden. I had had plans to remove all the sedum as the plants were getting too high and blocking the view of the other plants behind them. Since gardening is out until next spring, I’ll just let the bees enjoy the pretty pink flowers. Moving them to a different spot is already on my list of projects for next spring.

Speaking of projects, I have been working on a number of projects, none of which I will show here today. I did finish the quilt for the upcoming Herring Run Quilt Show and now I need to add a sleeve, do the binding, and add a label. My latest wool applique piece is about eighty-five percent done, and my latest cross stitch finish is just waiting for a frame. For those in the area, be sure to mark your calendar for the 

Herring Run Quilt Guild

17th Biennial Quilt Show

Sept. 21 - 24   10:00 - 4:00

Boys and Girls Club, 37 Proprietors Drive, Marshfield MA

There will be 150+ quilts on display and whether you are a quilter or not, you would definitely enjoy seeing this show.

Well, now it’s time to get busy unloading the dishwasher and hobbling carefully down cellar to throw in a load of wash, so I can then sit down and work on my wool applique and make the sleeves and binding for this latest quilt. :-)

Enjoy this Labor Day weekend, and I hope wherever you are that you are enjoying beautiful weather as we have been enjoying the last few days.